Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hunter (6mos) & Delia... collage images

Well, Hunter is 7 months old now (what a GREAT age!), but here are a few glimpses of his 6 month pictures I took a few weeks ago (doesn't he look handsome in his tie!). I put them in a collage format, which is something I'm going to be offering more of in the near future. Prices are not nailed down yet, but something similar to this (long & skinny) would be available in a 5x15 or 10x20 print size. There are also some great long, thin canvas options that I will be making available for collages. If one picture is worth a thousand words, than think how many more words a collage is worth! :) Really though, I tend to shoot with the display of multiple images in mind (I love expressions and personality), so I think this will factor in well with my style.

I got some of him with big sister Delia as well. I thought I'd give these three images a try in one of my new holiday card designs! How useful is that... these can be used for just about anything. All of the holiday cards come with your custom wording, and of course I used a funkier font here, but something a bit more "pretty" is generally what suits the cards. This is a 5x7 design, as are most of the new holiday templates.

PS - Since I don't get to the blog as often as I'd like, I'm going to give you a sneak peak of some things to come... In addition to all of the new formats I have to offer now (the collages, canvases, baby annoucements, borders, etc.); and the updating of all of the galleries on my website (the HUGE project I got myself in to that will hopefully be finished soon, complete with a wedding and commercial photograhy section); and framing options I now have available (ask if you're interested, that flyer might not be ready as soon as I'd like); I am ALSO (drum roll....) designing my own line of modern little BABY BOOTIES!!! I am so excited about these little buggers! It all started when I decided the PERFECT BABY GIFT would be a newborn gift certificate attached to a pair of baby booties... and Voila! Some of you know I still design a line of jewelry (shannon tacheny collection) which used to include handbags. And while I did much of the sewing & production for those myself, this time around I've done the research, designing/sketches, and fabric choosing, and handed this project off to a seamstress for now to get me the first samples (I pick them up Thursday!). I've got the most adorable modern yet vintagey fabrics and I can't wait to post pictures for you all to see! Hopefully they'll be at least a few available at the boutique portion of my Halloween shoot, so perhaps you can see them then. All for now... have a great week everyone!