Saturday, September 29, 2007

Christmas Photo Cards (& Baby Announcements)!!!

I am so excited about these new Christmas/Holiday and Newborn Templates that I just purchased! Up until this point I have been designing newborn or senior annoucements on a one-on-one basis and using only the holiday cards that my photo processor offered. I have had long time visions of designing my own line (including the resources, ideas, and know-how), but not the TIME!!! So when I saw these beautiful templates designed by two different, very talented designers, I jumped on the chance to add them to my offerings! (I am SO EXCITED in fact, that I decided to offer 10 free holiday cards to all of my Oct 13th outdoor shoot day clients! Details will be added to that post below).

The great thing about them is they are completely customizable. So if you like the concept of one but want to change the colors and text or layout, it can be done just to your specifications! Great as birthday invitations as well!

Here are some of the samples. Aren't they just adorable. Beautiful, modern, shabby chic. (A few of these I don't have, but there are some others not shown that I have too). Hopefully by the Oct 13th shoot I will have a full flyer to hand out at each shoot showing better examples of the designs and will be handing them out at shoots from then on.

HOLIDAY EXAMPLES (though some can double as baby annoucements and vice versa):


I will also be offering wall collages now as well - 16x20 or 10x20 sizes mostly. Something I've wanted to do for a long time but also haven't had the time to sit down and design the layouts for. Here's a few ideas of what those might look like:

I am currently in the process of completely updating all of my web galleries (thought it would be done by Friday, but I'm having to face that this is a MUCH bigger project than I planned!) and will have some of the wall templates with sample photos of mine directly on the new gallery.

(Side note, while the style is similar to mine, all of the examples here are straight from the designer, so the photo credits go to either them or whatever talented photographer they used photos from). :)

Details on the holiday cards:
-All of these new templates are 5x7 and will include white envelopes (though they could be printed as 4x5 if preferred)
-The same 4x8 holiday cards that I offered last year are also still available
-Flyer showing exact designs should be available sometime in Oct
-Pricing has actually gone DOWN from last year, as now I can offer quantity discounts. Prices will be as follows:

20 cards for $45 ($2.25ea)
40 cards for $70 ($1.75 ea)
60 cards for $85 ($1.42ea)
80 cards for $95 ($1.19ea)
100 cards for $115 ($1.15ea)
120 cards for $130 ($1.08ea)
150 cards for $150 ($1.00ea)

Complete text customizing (based on the space of your chosen design) included.
Color or layout changes depending on your needs - one time $10 fee.

FYI, Last day to shoot and get reprints in time for Christmas is Wed Dec 5th, though getting your session in by November will give you more time to decide on your order.

Merry Christmas Everyone! (These can't help but put me in the holiday mood). :)
-Shannon :)

PS - HS Seniors, do not despair! I have an awesome new line of Senior Annoucements available now as well! Modern, hip, urban. Samples will be up on the website shortly and I will eventually have a flyer of these as well.