- The STUDIO NAME CHANGE is in the works and the new name could be annouced as early as next week!!! I have a brand new graphic design intern/project assistant, Britta, who is taking on the new logo and website look (with probably more input from me than she would like) :) and once the logo is done and the paperwork is complete, we will make the big annoucement!
-We are busily working on a super exciting brand new event for the Twin Cities, from a new division of the studio, called MODEL INTEGRITY. This OPEN MODEL CALL event will be a chance for models of all ages (kids, teens, adults) to come enter to win a photoshoot or modeling experience and also get a FREE INFO SESSION with upfront HONEST INFO on how to break into the Twin Cities modeling market. The event is set to take place Sunday April 27th at a large Mpls hotel. We are currently looking for event sponsors, so if you know anyone in fashion/beauty/kids/health/etc that might want to jump on board with us, send them my way! We have full sponsorship packets available. The MODEL INTEGRITY WEBSITE should be launching hopefully by the end of next week and will have all the details for attendees. Check out our stylish new logo...

-Finally I wanted to share a pic of me and my first intern, Autumn, who has been handling much of my event planning and public relations responsibilities for the past month or so. She is cheerful and hardworking and has been nothing but a joy to meet with. (Of course she's tenatively on a trip out of the country, but everyone needs a break now and then.) :) Here we are on one of my new fabric backgrounds...

-I am still looking for commercial STUDIO SPACE, preferably on Grand or Selby Ave in one of my favorite St Paul neighborhoods, but will probably hold off until after this Model Integrity event (in order to keep my sanity). Perhaps by mid summer we will be opening a new storefront space, with a "boutiqe studio" - lots of photos and fun with a little bit of art and fashion sprinkled in.
That's about it from here... never any shortage of plans and ideas! Have a great weekend, and look for new news soon!