Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ideas, Ideas, & more Ideas!

With all this time on my hands (well, more like since I'm spending hours and hours feeding my newborn and am unable to use my hands!) I have nothing to do but THINK!!! And with me, thinking is a dangerous thing, as it produces IDEAS almost non stop. Ideas that I can't wait to get to, will never get to, or have no idea how to get to! I have resorted to leaving notebooks around the house in places where I feed my newborn Hunter so that I can write them down and get them out of my head, lest they swirl around and around and around!

I wanted to share some of these ideas regarding my business (primarily the child/family aspect, as that's what I've been focusing on expanding lately) that I thought might be of interest to you. Hopefully you will be seeing the realization of all of these ideas in future posts.

- The "elite petite" baby photo program (thanks to family & friends for voting on the name!) - been working A LOT on this lately, so it will be "unveiled" very soon... can't wait to get the baby onesies with the new "elite petite" logo on them that are being printed as I write!!!

- New ideas for shooting newborns... I want to create something original here. Newborns are not always easy to photograph because they don't do too much; and since my editorial style relies a lot upon the subject interacting with me or his/her surroundings, this can be tricky. Spending lots of time with a newborn (as well as being inspired by other photographer's work) is striking lots of ideas here. Hopefully I can do a test-shoot using some of my ideas soon - I will need to "borrow a baby" though, as Hunter is getting too big!

- Shannon Tacheny Original baby annoucements - I have a game plan set up to create birth annoucements like you've never seen before - part handmade-feel, scrapbook-look; part modern photo feel printed on high quality photo paper to give it an artwork print feel. I'm hoping to find the time to create some of these samples soon (in the next couple months?) and get them posted (hoping being the key word). :) Hold me to it!!! (And while I've been doing individual hs senior annoucements, I'm hoping to create a more complete line for that as well).

- A Summer Fun outdoor shoot day!!! If I can nail down a free weekend (or a couple half or full weekdays), I'm hoping to offer a full day of outdoor shooting (at a discounted rate) to capture kids having summer fun! Think bubbles, balloons, maybe even ice cream (??) - and YOUR KIDS running around (in their beautiful bare feet) having a blast, the beautiful green grass in the background. Bright colors, simple outfits - think Gap ad or Pottery Barn catalog. Interested in this? - email me with your thoughts!

I also have ideas for updating my bathroom, re-covering my living room chair, and organizing my studio, but my guess is none of those ideas appeal to you. I have spent WAY too much time in that rocking chair lately. :)

Hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful spring weather! LOTS more news to come soon.


Unknown said...

Some great ideas, Shannon!

PS - wanted to comment on how cute I thought Hunter's pics were but no comments allowed on that post :(

Shannon ~ said...

Thanks Bobbi Jo! I'm still getting used to this blogging thing, and haven't quite figured out all the features! I promise I'll learn. :) I'll turn on the "comments" for that posting now. :)