Well, it's final! The new studio name is Feather Blue Studios
{modern photography by Shannon Tacheny}.
Feel free to click on www.featherbluestudios.com to see the very tiny beginning of our new site. The old website, www.stphotoanddesign.com, will remain up for now, and even once we have the new site ready, we'll link the old to the new. Please do forgive that much of the old site (particularly the galleries) are outdated and be patient with us as we get the new site up. We promise it will be worth the wait! ;)
I'm sure this month will come with a bit of transition between the two names, so try not to be too confused as you see both names in different places... :) There are still a lot of updates to be made.
In other news, we've launched our Model Integrity site, and are looking forward to that exciting Open Model Call event coming up Sunday April 27th, in Minneapolis! You can check out all the details at www.modelintegrity.com.
Have a great week all!
Shannon :)