Friday, August 10, 2007

Nora - 9mos old

Little Nora (9mos old) is one of my favorite babies to shoot. And how could she not be, with those giant beautiful eyes of hers! Plus in every session with her, there's one photos where she looks like she's got it all figured out... this first one is the one.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Hot Mama! MATERNITY meets fashion. New packages.

Now offering MATERNITY PHTOTOS with a fashion flair! None of that cheesy portraity stuff, just you and your baby belly, looking GREAT! A great way to cherish the end of your pregnancy and preserve images of you and pre-born babe for ever. And as your little one gets older, he or she will be thrilled to see their "hot mama" before they were born.

NEW Maternity Session Package! One look (outfit) session including an online gallery and one 5x7 MATTED PRINT - printed artistic-style with words as shown below (custom wording/type available) for just $89. Various mat colors available to match baby's nursery! What a great piece of artwork to add as you prepare your new little one's room. (Recommended during the 7th-9th months of your pregnancy). All maternity packages come with a FREE Newborn session coupon (for baby 0-6 weeks).

As a side note, check out this great new site for maternity tees! (Cool maternity wardrobe can be hard to come by, I know). The site's not quite finished yet, but they tell me it should be done soon!

Hunter - 3mos old - & Delia's new haircut

Well, Hunter is 5 months old now, but I am finally posting his 3 month photos (though they were taken at 3 1/2 months, which might make some of you who are a bit delinquent on your own kids' photos feel better, as I have a studio in my home and thus don't even have an excuse!) He's a bit chubbier now, but he has the same bright eyed look you see here, and he's turning out to be quite a cheerful little guy, always smiling and giggling. Lately, he keeps his tongue hanging out all the time!

"Delia's Summer hair cut" - Delia wanted to get in on the fun of Hunter's picture session, so she jumped on in! But it turned out to be a good chance to capture what we're calling her "summer haircut" - really the result of her cutting her OWN hair, and then me having to give her a haircut to blend it all together. You wouldn't know it with the cute little barrette she's got in, but she's really hiding "80s bangs" under there - since that's where she went to town with the scissors.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

SummerFest - YOU'RE INVITED - Saturday August 11th

Well, after all our hard work, SummerFest 2007 is just around the corner! We'd love for you to come join us... stop in for some free popcorn or freezie pops, the magician performance at 1pm, or to browse the artists and crafters we have lined up. Saturday August 11th, 10am-4pm. Hope to see you there! (I'll have a booth there with my jewelry and such - come say hi!) 4294 Hodgson Road, Shoreview, MN 55126.